As an Assisted Residential Care Home in Oakley,  since 2017, VITA Senior Care Home has been providing exceptional care, tenderness, and quality services for the elderly residents. We maintain a high-quality connection with the elders and their families, provide clean housing, and personal assistance.

Our home is only open for limited numbers of residents to accommodate, the area is comfortable, and peaceful and emits supportive vibes to the seniors. Given this fact, the caregivers can focus more on the comfort and implement an individual approach due to a small community – to the limit of six residents at a time. This allows our residents to make new friends and enjoy the day together with the staff as well as their own families.


We recognize that every person residing in VITA has a different personality and needs. Therefore, the team of professional caregivers, trained by a nurse, is to provide the gentlest attention they need. The more they get to know the person and their families, the better they can organize and add a personal touch to each of them. We provide continuing education for the staff in senior care.


Our mission is to provide residents with the finest in home daily living. We are focused on providing the highest quality of personal care, services, assistance and supervision to seniors in our community. We encourage and value their independence, preserve their dignity and respect their secured residential environment.


Assisted Living lies in between Independent Living and Nursing Home care for the elders, how so? First of all, assisted living aids those who can still move on their own, but needed someone to look for them especially while their families are far away. On the other hand, since the majority of the professional caregivers were given therapeutic or nursing training, they can perform medical support for the patient. But, not to the extent of being as broad as how the nursing home operates.


Receiving care can be difficult, so the staff is specially trained to engage in a meaningful role during all aspects of care. Each of the elders has their own beliefs and personal preferences. It does not mean they are inside a premise, they should adjust to the faith of the in-house residence. Imposing your point of view in religion, or political topics to someone is not a sign of respect. Seniors do not want to be treated like they become refrained from freedom, ‘do this, don’t do that,’ sort of things. Some elderly people may or may not belong to different religious groups, with different ethnicity, culture, and traditions.

One of the goals of this small community is not to have a stiff, boarding-school like ambiance, as much as possible meeting the senior’s need for their overall wellbeing, medical attention, social life, and their faith.


Our cozy and peaceful community also has tightened security and are ready for emergency cases. With preparation, in the worst case scenario, the first-aid-kits are at hand, and immediate response with the call button in each room makes it easier for the attending caregivers to respond quickly when in need. Our attentive staff is available twenty-four hours, seven days a week.


As a residential care home, we provide an individualized approach for each resident due to a fewer number of residents. Knowing the personal preference, background, and medical condition of a resident can help which spices to use, the allergies to consider and the taste. The idea of a homey-like living can set up a positive mood for everyone at the center. Besides, experiencing family-love does not have to be bound by blood alone.

Lic. #079200537



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